Farmington River, Burlington, CT
My goal this spring has been to get out and do a bike ride with my son every day that it is possible. So far, so good: most sunny days he and I have set off on a 5-9 mile rail-trail excursion, and he is improving more quickly than he is growing in stature (which is happening rapidly!).
Being very attuned to sound, I’m constantly aware of the singing birds, the rushing river, the breeze in the leaves, the whir of tire on pavement, and of course the not-as-subtle, “Dad! Slow down!” It feels completely cliché to write about how beautiful these nature sounds are, but I feel it is too important to be ignored. Even along the trails, the sounds of our (human) making are ever so close, with the passing trucks and cars, and most especially those who have long cell phone conversations while walking in the woods! The connection I have felt to nature becomes even more precious when there is so much competition for my attention. I’m even aware when we stop just to enjoy the view that is so hard to quiet the nagging voice that says, “Get moving! Work to be done at home!”
So, the medicine I’ve chosen is to do it regularly. Get out there, feel the breeze, hear the sounds, quiet the mind. Try it!